New Hugo Site
First post on the new site. It’s a hugo site, using the terminal theme by panr. Previously Pelican was my static site generator of choice but I’ve heard good things about Hugo and fancied giving it a go.
Here’s how its configured:
I’m using Hugo with Github Pages) and my own hosting.
As I won’t be using Hugo/this blog everyday I will forget the commands for it so I’ve wrapped everything I need into a Makefile:
@echo "make {build|test|deploy|new-post}"
@echo "make new-post POST=test"
@hugo -t terminal
@hugo server -t terminal
deploy: build
hugo new posts/$(POST).md
code .
The site source code is available here.
Why do this
Few reasons:
- I want to practise and hopefully improve my writing
- Drew Devault’s blog post