Using Argo Events with Crossplane

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A growing trend in the Kubernetes ecosystem is the repurposing of a Kubernetes cluster as a platform for building internal developer platforms. In this post we’ll explore how we can glue together a few open source tools to do this.

Although the demo is simple, it should provide a conceptual starting point for more complex workflows.

If you want to follow along, you can find the code here.

Here’s what we are building:

A way for users to create a github repo from a template, with some basic controls on that repository (naming convention and repo settings) and some automation around that to trigger a first run of a Github Action workflow.

Here’s a diagram of the flow:

GitHub RepouserGitHub Repo Templateclusterworkflow Dispatchedcrossplane-github-controllerkyvernorepo-resourceargo-eventsargo-workflow 1. submits resource to cluster2. ensures policy is matched3. creates repo4. listens for creation5. triggers workflow6. Github action triggered used to populate repo

It looks complicated, but most of the components are hidden from the end users. The user only needs to submit a resource to the cluster, and the rest is automated. In a real world use case, the user would interact with a UI or CLI to submit the resource, rather than interacting with the cluster directly. Something like backstage, or a gitops pipeline.

The tooling we’re going to use is:

Additionally, the following tools were used to help build out the demo:

  • d2 - to generate diagrams
  • k9s - to interact with the cluster
  • flox - wrapper around nix for environment management

Let’s start with Crossplane - it’s a Kubernetes add-on that allows you to provision cloud resources using Kubernetes. In our case, we’re going to use it to create a Github repository.

Next, we have Kyverno - it’s a policy engine for Kubernetes. We’re going to use it to enforce a policy on the repository that gets created. We will use it to make sure the repository has a name that starts with mark and has visibility set to private

Argo Events is a Kubernetes-native event-driven workflow automation framework. We’re going to use it to “listen” for the creation of the repository and trigger an Argo Workflow.

Argo Workflows is a Kubernetes-native workflow engine. We’re going to use it to run a Github Action workflow that will be triggered when the repository is created.

  • Clone the repo
  • Install the required tools
  • Bootstrap the environment
  • Run the demo
git clone
cd crossplane-argo-demo

If you are using flox you may simply do the following:

flox install && flox activate

If not, you will need to install tools from the list above manually.

You will need a GitHub Personal Access Token with permissions to create repositories and dispatch workflows. You can create one here

Once you have the token, you can add it to your environment:

export GITHUB_TOKEN="token-here"
export GITHUB_USERNAME=your-username-org-name
export ARGO_GITHUB_TOKEN=$(echo -n "Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" | base64)

the BASE64_GITHUB_TOKEN is used by Argo workflows. I like to use direnv to manage my environment variables, but you can also add them to your shell profile.

task create <- creates a kind cluster
task bootstrap <- installs crossplane, argo-events, kyverno
task post-bootstrap <- configures argo-events, crossplane providers and kyverno

At this point you should have a kind cluster running with all the required tools installed.

  1. Create kyverno policies
  2. Create crossplane resources
  3. Check that the GitHub Action ran!
kubectl apply -f kyverno/repo-mutate-policy.yaml <- this will mutate the repository visibility to private
kubectl apply -f kyverno/repo-names-policy.yaml <- this will enforce a naming convention
kubectl apply -f crossplane/repo-no-validation.yaml

You may port forward the Argo Workflow UI to see the workflow in action:

Note that auth is disabled in the UI in this demo

kubectl -n argo-events port-forward deployment/argo-server 2746:2746

Once forwarded, open http://localhost:2746 and you should see the workflow running.


Now you should see a new repository in your GitHub account, with the name mark-repo and visibility set to private . You should also see a new successful workflow run in the repository, which was triggered by the creation of the repository.

This demo is a simple example of how we can use Kubernetes and some open source tools to automate workflows. The tools we used are all CNCF projects and are widely used in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Well, actually, you could use Terraform here. ControlPlane supports that via their Terraform provider, or you could replace that with Flux’s tofu Controller. However, Terraform is not as “Kubernetes-native” as Crossplane is, we’d still need to handle state management and secrets.

Github Actions are great, but they are not as flexible as Argo Workflows and are tightly coupled to Github and Github’s events. Argo Workflows may be triggered by any event or tied into other business logic from your cluster. Additionally, Argo Workflows gives you a lot more control and flexibility.

While this is simple demo, it shows that we can use the the reconciliation loop and K8S API to build a powerful automation platform which should remove developer friction, make platform Engineers happy and keep security teams at ease.

Developers having to use kubectl or follow a IAC GitOps pipeline is not ideal and adds cognitive overhead. Ideally they should not even know that Kubernetes is being used under the hood. In a real world scenario, we would build a UI or CLI that abstracts away complexity of the underlying tools.